Sept / October 2023
Spring is usually the time of year when we all get a bit more motivated and active as the days get longer and warmer. Many of you will have been keeping up with your regular spinal checks throughout the year while other patients have disappeared over Winter.
You may know people who have never had their spine checked by a Chiropractor? As Chiropractors we know that everyone should have their spine checked just like they have regular checks at the Dentist.
Prevention is much better than dealing with the crisis when it eventually happens. With our spines it can be an acute painful episode or it can be more insidious, such as headaches becoming more frequent or intense. Sometimes spinal problems become evident so slowly that people don’t even realise they’ve lost mobility or function and it gradually becomes their “normal”.
While we educate our existing patients, it’s very difficult to communicate this message to the broader community. Chiropractors are quite restricted when it comes to educating and promoting Chiropractic. Our Federal code of conduct doesn’t allow us to communicate with the wider community the many benefits we see in practice every day. It’s one of the best parts of caring for patients, hearing about their improvements and changes as their spine and nervous system function improves.
It’s amazing how our bodies can change so much from an adjustment! We have to rely on our patients spreading the word about how Chiropractic has improved their health and how many of you continue to have regular checks because you know it makes a difference in your life.
If everyone had their spine checked regularly we’d have a happier and healthier community which would be less reliant on drugs and our ailing healthcare system. Don’t hesitate to share your Chiropractic experiences with others...especially your families. We can all benefit from being surrounded by happier and healthier people.
Gonstead Chiropractors Dr Lydia Tan and Dr Tracey Kavanagh at the recent Australian Gonstead Chiropractor seminar in Melbourne in August 2023.