July / August 2023
Only a couple more months of cooler weather before Spring will be upon us. We hope you and your families have been well over Winter so far and you've been trying to follow our health tips as best you can? If you missed our health tips page please ask our staff for a copy. If it's on the fridge, maybe it's time to revisit the list to see how many boxes you're ticking to stay healthy.
We've recently welcomed our new staff member Isla who is studying at Flinders Uni and living locally. Isla is an additional staff member so nobody has left us...phew! Brooke is currently travelling in Europe before heading back to Uni in August, while Tracey is heading away to visit Steve's sister in far north Queensland at the end of July. Quite a few patients are escaping the Winter too. especially now that we are able to travel to almost anywhere in the world. Many patients are finally taking that trip that they booked for 2020!
Tracey and Lydia will be heading to Melbourne in late August for the biggest Australian Gonstead seminar of the year Our Australian Fellows are now setting the teaching benchmark worldwide so we no longer have to rely on International speakers to present at our conferences. Chiropractors from across Australia will join us in Melbourne to learn new skills and brush up on the day to day management of patients as well as learning from interesting cases that have presented in Chiropractor's offices during the year.
It's a chance for us to catch up with our peers, share our successes and discuss the tricky cases we have seen since we last met. Like most things post covid, it's so much better in person and we really look forward to the face to face contact both in the classroom and when we have breaks. It's something we'll never take for granted again!
Gonstead Fellow, Dr Les Carroll and Gonstead Diplomate, Dr John Trowse outside the Alex Cox lecture theatre at the Australian Chiropractic College in Adelaide during a recent Gonstead seminar.