Dr Lydia Tan

Dr Lydia Tan is a qualified Chiropractor fluent in multiple Asian languages
Chiropractor explaining x-rays to patient

Dr Lydia explaining x-rays to the patient

Chiropractor using nervoscope

Dr Lydia using the nervoscope
to analyse the patients spine

DR LYDIA TAN  BAppSc (ChiroSc) BHSc Chiropractor

Dr Lydia was fortunate enough to be exposed to the Gonstead System of Chiropractic in her first year of study in Malaysia. With much determination to master the philosophy, art and science of this technique, she applied to transfer to RMIT in Melbourne for better learning opportunities in Australia. She dedicated her free time to attending seminars, webinars, and observed numerous Gonstead Chiropractors both locally and interstate to improve her skills.

Unlike many inspiring chiropractic stories, Dr Lydia’s first chiropractic adjustment was in the first month of her 5-year chiropractic degree. No aches, no pains. The only reason she went to a chiropractor was to find out what it was all about. Little did she know that after a few adjustments, she found herself walking better, breathing better and enjoying life more.

Early in 2022 Dr Lydia decided to move to South Australia when the opportunity to work alongside four other Gonstead Chiropractors arose. Working part-time in two different clinics has exposed her to more learning opportunities than most other younger chiropractors, accelerating her experience and knowledge beyond her years. At Marion Chiropractic Centre Dr Lydia works alongside Dr Tracey Kavanagh and Dr Kit Khaw with 28 years combined experience whilst at Trowse Chiropractic in nearby Westbourne Park she works alongside Dr John Trowse and Dr Paul Simmons with over 40 years experience between them.

Her goal is to make sure everyone understands the importance of Chiropractic care, thus bringing out the best in them. She believes that if you maintain your car regularly, you should maintain your spine at least twice as much!

Dr Lydia cares for patients of all ages from newborn babies to elderly patients in their 90’s! She promotes spinal checks for everyone whether they have pain or not, especially children who often express pain and discomfort by their behaviour rather than explanation. Her gentle, specific approach cares for common conditions such as lower back pain, headaches and neck pain by adjusting the spine.

Dr Lydia also assesses all of the other joints of the body including feet, ankles, knees and hips, then up to shoulders and the joints of the arm and hand. Like her first experience, she wants everyone to know how it feels when their spine, joints and nervous system are functioning better.

Dr Lydia has always been an active person since she was young, often either busy practicing the piano or taking part in different sporting competitions and activities. Her biggest achievement was leading her sporting house to become the champions in the university’s Cup Games in 2017! Dr Lydia maintains her health with regular runs and weekly badminton sessions which she enjoys with her partner Dr Kit who she works alongside at Marion Chiropractic Centre.

Dr Lydia is available after-hours and for emergency appointments. She may not be able to answer calls every time but she will try to respond as soon as she can so please leave a message.

Coming from a multiracial education background, Dr Lydia is able to communicate fluently in English, Mandarin, Malay, and Hokkien thus exposing more Adelaide residents to Chiropractic. These skills enable Dr Lydia to care for many patients whose first language is not English. If you have difficulty communicating in English and you’d prefer to speak to Dr Lydia directly you can call her to organise an appointment on (08) 7089 6144




一般上,脊医会根据个案病例及年龄调整矫正力度和方式,因此男女老少皆宜。若您正经历背痛, 颈部疼痛,手脚酸痛,头痛,关节炎,等不良症状,或者您想为您的健康做出改变,欢迎联络诊所预约。若不方便用英语沟通,欢迎直接联络我 (08) 7089 6144